12 October 2023

Revealers of virtue


In olden time [who] well [were entitled] to be masters
the ones [were subtle], spiritual, profound penetrating.
Their profundity not could be understood.

Since not they can be understood,
therefore I try to make them intelligible.
Cautious! Oh!
[they were] like in winter wading a river.
Reluctant! Oh!
like fearing in the four [quarters] neighbors.
Reserved oh! they were like guests.
Elusive! Oh!
like ice which is going to melt.
Simple! Oh!
they were like unseasoned wood.
Empty! Oh!
they were like a valley.
Obscure! Oh!
they were like disturbed water.

Who can the disturbed by quieting it gradually purify?
Who can the quiet by moving them gradually bring to life.

Who keeps this Reason does not wish to be filled.
Since not filled therefore he is able to grow old [and need] not newly be fashioned.

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