29 June 2016

"Beloved, I sought You ...."

Beloved, I sought You here and there,
Asked for news of You from all I met.
Then I saw You through myself,
And found we were identical.
Now I blush to think I ever searched
For signs of You.
By day I praised You, but never knew it;
By night I slept with You without realizing it,
Fancying myself to be myself;
But no, I was You and never knew it.

Fakhruddin Iraqi

"What we see ...."

What we see depends mainly on what we look for.
John Lubbock

22 June 2016

"Nature always returns to balance ...."

“Nature always returns to balance.  It may have extremes – the waters can bring us drink and food or they can wipe us out in a flood – but there is always calm after a storm, always day following night.  When we pattern ourselves after nature, we try to achieve balance in ourselves and all we do.”

14 June 2016

"Faith consists in ...."

“Faith consists in being vitally concerned with that ultimate reality to which I give the symbolical name of God. Whoever reflects earnestly on the meaning of life is on the verge of an act of faith.”

“Doubt is not the opposite of faith; it is one element of faith.”
Paul Johannes Tillich

13 June 2016

"The fish in the water ...."

The fish in the water is silent,
the animal on the earth is noisy,
the bird in the air is singing,
But Man has in him the
silence of the sea,
the noise of the earth
and the music of the air.

Rabindranath Tagore