12 February 2025

Asian Openbill

 Ciconiiformes - Ciconiidae - Anastomus oscitans (Upih Paruh Sepit)

A relatively small stork species with a grayish to white body and black wings and tail with a hint of gloss. The Asian Openbill gets its name from a distinctive gap in the dull grayish yellow bill. Note the pinkish legs. Asian Openbills inhabit wetland habitats including shallow marshes, flooded agricultural fields, and lakes. From a distance they could be confused with herons, but they can be clearly distinguished from herons by their feeding habits—wading slowly through shallow water. Soars frequently, often in large dense flocks; note extended neck, unlike retracted neck of herons and egrets.

Provoked or unprovoked - caution takes flight at any alert.

* Setting up precepts - guiding principles to choices and outcomes *
- intents and actions -

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