Accipitriformes - Accipitridae - Aquila nipalensis (Helang Gurun)
A large eagle with rich brown plumage, wide wings, and seven well-splayed “fingers” at the wingtip. Adults are entirely dark brown; juveniles and immatures at rest show a distinctive wide white band bordered with black on the wing. In flight, this transforms into a white traverse band on the underwing that forms the base of the primary and secondary feathers. Birds take about four years to attain adult plumage. Frequents open grasslands, deserts, scrub, wetlands, and mountains, and is a regular carcass feeder along with vultures.
Accipitriformes - Accipitridae - Clanga clanga (Helang-bintik Besar)
Adults are large and quite uniform dark brown eagles with very broad wings and short tails. Single white "comma" mark at the wrist of the underwing. Similar to the Lesser Spotted Eagle, which is smaller, paler, and more contrasting. Juveniles are more boldly patterned with numerous prominent dirty white spots on the back and upper wings. More tied to forests than Lesser Spotted Eagle, but still near rivers and bogs. Frequents humanmade habitats more often in winter, such as lakes, rubbish dumps, and reservoirs.
What it knows, and what we think we know
- Man follows Earth
Earth follows Heaven
Heaven follows Tao
Tao follows Nature
- abide by the natural -
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