Even excellent arms [are] an un-bliss among tools.
[all] beasts likely to detest them.
Therefore [who] has reason, the one, not dwells there [relies on them].
The masterly philosopher while at home,
then he esteems the left.
While using arms then he esteems the right.
Arms [are] an un-bliss among tools,
[and] not a masterly man his tools.
[When] not he obtains avoiding [it] and [then only] he uses them.
Peace [and] quietude he makes [holds] high.
Victorious [he is] but not enjoys [it];
and [who] enjoys it [a victory]
the one this [means] [he] likes to kill people.
Now [when] one likes to kill people,
the one, then he will not be able thereby to obtain his wishes in the empire
In propitious affairs we honor the left.
In unpropitious affairs we honor the right.
The assistant army leader sits to the left.
The superior army leader sits to the right.
[This] means [that] occupying a superior position
then according to funeral ceremony is managed it.
The killing of people multitudes,
many with sorrow [and] lamentations [we ought to] weep for them.
[When] In war a victor according to the funeral ceremony must be treated he