31 May 2021

The right view

Many thought none should be solitaire.  Why not?  We were one, then we were robbed, then one again.  And I bear the loss.  Do you who have not lost still think it's best to be two than one?


28 May 2021

From here to there


You thought I was alone, different?

We walk free even as the egg touches the earth.  We transform as nature deems so.  We are free spirits.  We accept, this journey, this cycle from seed to dust.

26 May 2021

It should not be too late

I can't stop for you.  I was always there but you took me for granted.  It's still not too late, do not merely hold me dear.  Do more.


25 May 2021

Me as I am


Be where I need to be, do what I need to do, no more, no less.  And I'm still true, strong and fearless.

23 May 2021

What is revealed?

I caught the sun, and you caught me.  How do you view me, and yourself?  Does the sun reveal to you as it reveals to me?

So what if different

Did you learn differences from us, and that's all that is learnt?  We don't watch our back just because we're different.


21 May 2021

When it's unnatural

Why am I out and down here, where shadows fall and offers are staged.  I do not need this but sometimes I fall to my impulse for ease.


20 May 2021

When it's no longer natural

I grow not knowing fear until I soon learn that I do not grow in isolation.  I will have to live, always on the look out, in fear.

18 May 2021

It's natural but ....

It a natural world out there.  Go into it.  Be part of it.  Be natural, and natural will become you.  Why do you fear the natural?


16 May 2021

Time is a mere thought away

Once upon a time could be as recent as yesterday.  Why did I forget, perhaps because I was a mere on-looker.  And when I try to remember, it was too late to recall.


14 May 2021

When it is you

It was commonness, and commonness brings comfort.  Why do you lament that which is familiar and ordinary?  Are you tired of your own tediousness?  Do not blame it beyond yourself. 


13 May 2021

Can it be me?

From what would I hide if I have no fear.  I hide from greed and superiority.  I pay for your ignorance.  There can be no co-existence if you do not learn, and I fear that in this case, the lesson, the restraint must be from you.


12 May 2021

What's in a form

Essence will always remains the same.  The change in a mould will not alter what's true and pure, that which we cannot run away from however much we try to reshape and resize.


11 May 2021

Know not how to sing

Know not how to sing
Know not how to cry
Learning to learn
new tunes and notes
in time after.