28 April 2016

"Hold on ...."

Hold on to what is good,

even if it's a handful of earth.

Hold on to what you believe,

even if it's a tree that stands by itself.

Hold on to what you must do,

even if it's a long way from here.

Hold on to your life,

even if it's easier to let go.

Hold on to my hand,

even if someday I'll be gone away from you. 

A Pueblo Indian Prayer

27 April 2016

"My God, a moment of bliss ...."

“My God, a moment of bliss. Why, isn't that enough for a whole lifetime?”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, “White Nights”

19 April 2016

"The sky is clear ...."

The sky is clear, the air is pure …. We raise our heads in admiration: how immense the universe is!  We look down and notice: how abundant all things are!

Wang Xizhi

13 April 2016

"And while I stood there ...."

And while I stood there
I saw more than I can tell,
and I understood more than I saw;
for I was seeing in a sacred manner
the shapes of things in the spirit,
and the shape of all shapes as they must
live together like one being.

Black Elk

07 April 2016

"And Yet ...."

And yet, though we strain
against the deadening grip
of daily necessity,
I sense there is this mystery:
All life is being lived.

Who is living it then?
Is it the things themselves,
or something waiting inside them,
like an unplayed melody in a flute?
Is it the winds blowing over the waters?
Is it the branches that signal to each other?
Is it flowers
interweaving their fragrances
or streets, as they wind through time?

Rainer Maria Rilke