Pelecaniiformes - Ardeidae - Ardeola sp
Chinese Pond-Heron - Ardeola bacchus
Often mistaken for an egret in flight due to its all-white wings, but the dark head separates it from any egret. This medium-sized heron is found across many different marshy habitats. Breeding adults have a chestnut head, neck, and breast, and a veil of bluish-black plumes over the white wings. Nonbreeding adults and juveniles are brown all over save for the white wings. In areas where the ranges of multiple pond-heron species overlap, nonbreeders and juveniles are best left unidentified.
Indian Pond-Heron - Ardeola grayii
A small heron that is common in most aquatic habitats across the Indian subcontinent. Adults in breeding plumage have a dark reddish brown back that contrasts with a yellowish head, neck, and breast. In nonbreeding plumage they are virtually indistinguishable from nonbreeding Chinese Pond-Heron. In flight, adults appear surprisingly white due to their strikingly white wings, underparts, and tail. Although typically solitary, large numbers often gather where food is plentiful. Prone to seasonally local movements and vagrancy.
Javan Pond-Heron - Ardeola speciosa
Stout heron with flashing white wings; can be mistaken for a egret in flight, but note darker head in all plumages. Handsome in breeding plumage, with creamy head, dark red breast, and lacy black plumes on the back. Streaky brown nonbreeding plumage is nearly indistinguishable from other pond-herons. Forages in rice paddies, pond and lake edges, and mangroves.
Non-breeding plumage - purpose of change and transformation.
Virtue and outcome of being
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