18 February 2025

Crested Honey-buzzard

Accipitriformes - Accipitridae - Pernis ptilorhynchus (Helang Lebah)

A large raptor of lowland and montane broadleaf and mixed forests, this species is well-known for its tendency to congregate in large flocks of up to thousands during migration. Resident populations inhabit tropical forests from lowlands up into montane areas. While showing considerable plumage variation throughout its range, the combination of an unusually small and slender head, long striped tail, broad wings, and well-striped underwings make this species fairly recognizable across a wide area. True to its name, this species is a raider of wasp and bee nests, although it prefers bee and wasp larvae over their honey.


None out of reach, none out of perch - power of bigness

* To moderate desires - know enough is enough
- keep away from over-reaching, showiness -

14 February 2025


 Pelecaniiformes - Ardeidae - Ardeola sp 

Chinese Pond-Heron - Ardeola bacchus
Often mistaken for an egret in flight due to its all-white wings, but the dark head separates it from any egret. This medium-sized heron is found across many different marshy habitats. Breeding adults have a chestnut head, neck, and breast, and a veil of bluish-black plumes over the white wings. Nonbreeding adults and juveniles are brown all over save for the white wings. In areas where the ranges of multiple pond-heron species overlap, nonbreeders and juveniles are best left unidentified.

Indian Pond-Heron - Ardeola grayii
A small heron that is common in most aquatic habitats across the Indian subcontinent. Adults in breeding plumage have a dark reddish brown back that contrasts with a yellowish head, neck, and breast. In nonbreeding plumage they are virtually indistinguishable from nonbreeding Chinese Pond-Heron. In flight, adults appear surprisingly white due to their strikingly white wings, underparts, and tail. Although typically solitary, large numbers often gather where food is plentiful. Prone to seasonally local movements and vagrancy.

Javan Pond-Heron - Ardeola speciosa
Stout heron with flashing white wings; can be mistaken for a egret in flight, but note darker head in all plumages. Handsome in breeding plumage, with creamy head, dark red breast, and lacy black plumes on the back. Streaky brown nonbreeding plumage is nearly indistinguishable from other pond-herons. Forages in rice paddies, pond and lake edges, and mangroves.

Non-breeding plumage - purpose of change and transformation.

Virtue and outcome of being

* Grand virtue - what are grand values but may not be *
- understand origin and outcome -

12 February 2025

Asian Openbill

 Ciconiiformes - Ciconiidae - Anastomus oscitans (Upih Paruh Sepit)

A relatively small stork species with a grayish to white body and black wings and tail with a hint of gloss. The Asian Openbill gets its name from a distinctive gap in the dull grayish yellow bill. Note the pinkish legs. Asian Openbills inhabit wetland habitats including shallow marshes, flooded agricultural fields, and lakes. From a distance they could be confused with herons, but they can be clearly distinguished from herons by their feeding habits—wading slowly through shallow water. Soars frequently, often in large dense flocks; note extended neck, unlike retracted neck of herons and egrets.

Provoked or unprovoked - caution takes flight at any alert.

* Setting up precepts - guiding principles to choices and outcomes *
- intents and actions -

10 February 2025

Asian Brown Flycatcher

Passeriformes - Muscicapidae - Muscicapa dauurica (Sambar Coklat Asia)

Plain brown flycatcher with a large-eyed appearance. Note bright white eyering and unmarked throat and underparts. Appears shorter- and plainer-winged than other similar brownish flycatchers. Favors broadleaf forests; also found in more open habitats on migration and wintering grounds. Sallies from exposed perches; cocks tail and flicks wings when perched. Song comprises high buzzy trilling and whistles. Calls include dry rattling and chittering.

Ubiquitous yet nature's singular.

* The universal function - how the softest, non-action, non-word works
- do not underestimate any appearance, any act - 


08 February 2025

Fire-tufted Barbet

Piciformes - Megalaimidae - Psilopogon pyrolophus (Takur Jumbai-api)

Beautiful emerald-green barbet. Note silvery cheeks, white forehead, and black chinstrap; namesake reddish tuft above the base of the bill is small and often difficult to see from a distance. Bulbous horn-colored bill has a large dark smudge down the center. Strange song is a loud accelerating creaking that is reminiscent of rusty machinery revving up.

Procreation - nature's cycle of life.


* Reason's transformation - Tao and one thousand things, play of Yin and Yang
- how things, situations evolve -

04 February 2025

Dark Hawk-Cuckoo

Cuculiformes - Cuculidae - Hierococcyx bocki (Sewah Tekukur Gunung)

Large long-tailed cuckoo with a distinctly raptor-like appearance. As with most other hawk-cuckoos, often perches deep in tall trees; best detected by its song, a piercing and repetitive “wit-CHEW-WEE”. If seen well, note adult’s dark gray back, rufous chest, and barred white belly; juvenile has streaked throat and browner upperparts. Found in montane and foothill forest.

Silence need not mean consent, the interaction is simply not right.

* Identity and non-identity - recognition and non-recognition (form and substance) *
- know yourself, know others -

03 February 2025

Harrier vs Eagle

 Accipitriformes - Accipitridae - Clanga clanga (Helang-bintik Besar)

Adults are large and quite uniform dark brown eagles with very broad wings and short tails. Single white "comma" mark at the wrist of the underwing. Similar to the Lesser Spotted Eagle, which is smaller, paler, and more contrasting. Juveniles are more boldly patterned with numerous prominent dirty white spots on the back and upper wings. More tied to forests than Lesser Spotted Eagle, but still near rivers and bogs. Frequents humanmade habitats more often in winter, such as lakes, rubbish dumps, and reservoirs.

Accipitriformes - Accipitridae - Circus spilonotus (Helang-sawah Biasa)

A common patroller above reedbeds, flying with wings raised in a shallow V-shape. Adult males are predominantly pale gray with a dark-speckled head, blackish back with pale-edged feathers, and black wingtips. Adult females are brown and streaky and lack the bold white rump patch of the similar female Hen Harrier. Juveniles are brown with paler heads and breasts. Extremely similar to Western Marsh-Harrier, but range overlap is minimal.

Flight or fight, grace or disgrace.

* Avoid function - return, yield to origin of being -
- understand source, understand cause -