20 January 2025

Tiger Shrike

Passeriformes - Laniidae - Lanius tigrinus (Tirjup Harimau)

Small, short-tailed shrike with a heavy-headed appearance. Found in lowland forests, edges, and parks. Male has an ash-gray head, an inky black mask, white underparts, and scaly chestnut wings. Female is less contrasting, with a patchy brown-and-gray crown, a smaller black mask, and black barring on the flanks and wings. Juveniles have brown heads and backs, and a brown-scaled belly; due to their lack of a mask, they have a large-eyed appearance. Juveniles can be similar to juvenile Bull-headed and Brown shrikes, but both of those species have faint but visible masks.

When success leads to self-absorption.

* Benevolence Virtue - inexhaustible in Tao
- be kind -

17 January 2025

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker

Passeriformes - Dicaeidae - Dicaeum trigonostima (Sepah Bunga Perut Jingga)

Bright and colorful male is difficult to miss: bright grayish blue with yellow or orange underparts (depending on subspecies) and a small orange splotch on the back. Female is comparatively dull, but her yellow-suffused underparts and rump are still quite distinctive. Like other flowerpeckers, forages actively, often hovering in front of blossoms or while gleaning from foliage. Inhabits forested edges (less common in dense forest) from lowlands up to foothills; often quite close to human habitation. Gives a variety of buzzy or sharp notes.

Can't be missed, or not heard when around.


* Trust in its perfection - Tao is the way
- believe in what's natural -

16 January 2025

Eastern-crowned Warbler

Passeriformes - Phylloscopidae - Phylloscopus corornatus (Cekup Daun Tongkeng)

A boldly marked songbird, rather large for a leaf warbler, usually seen foraging in the canopy. From below, a bright yellow vent and broad orange-based bill distinguish it from most other local leaf- warblers. Crisp yellow-tinged olive above, with very weak thin wingbars and black-bordered white eyebrow. Pale crown stripe is often not visible. Similar to Claudia's, Blyth's, and Hartert's Leaf- Warblers but head pattern is more powerfully contrasting in Eastern Crowned. Song is a burst of two or three “wi-tcher” calls, followed by a wheezy and tuneless “reee.” Unlike other leaf-warblers, seldom calls on wintering grounds but sometimes gives a brief “fit” or sweeter “chi” (the latter sounding like Ijima’s common call). Breeds in openings, edges, and cuts in well-forested areas; can be found in a wide range of wooded habitats when not breeding.

Tireless seeker


* To discriminate virtue - know yourself vs know others
- we walk different paths -

14 January 2025

Eastern Marsh Harrier

Accipitriformes - Accipitridae - Circus spilonotus (Helang-sawah Biasa)

A common patroller above reedbeds, flying with wings raised in a shallow V-shape. Adult males are predominantly pale gray with a dark-speckled head, blackish back with pale-edged feathers, and black wingtips. Adult females are brown and streaky and lack the bold white rump patch of the similar female Hen Harrier. Juveniles are brown with paler heads and breasts. Extremely similar to Western Marsh-Harrier, but range overlap is minimal.

Always sharp, always on target, not self-conscious being watched.


* Of holiness the virtue - Tao is nameless, undefined
- the nameless, the labelless all has its role, its significance -

12 January 2025

Oriental Magpie-Robin

Passeriformes - Muscicapidae - Copsychus saularis (Murai Kampong)

A medium-sized robin with a broad white wingbar running from the shoulder to the tip of the wing. Note white outertail feathers, particularly when in flight. Males sport black-and-white plumage while the females are grayish brown and white. Juveniles resemble females, but have a scaly head and upperparts. They have a good repertoire of melodious calls and are known to imitate other bird calls. The most commonly heard call is a whistle given at dawn. Most often seen singing from a high exposed perch. These birds are often seen in cultivated areas, open woodlands, and gardens.

A sub-adult, still unwary, foraging close up.


* Quelling war - victory never is if there is suffering
- do not beget at another's expense -

09 January 2025

Greater Spotted Eagle

Accipitriformes - Accipitridae - Clanga clanga (Helang-bintik Besar)

Adults are large and quite uniform dark brown eagles with very broad wings and short tails. Single white "comma" mark at the wrist of the underwing. Similar to the Lesser Spotted Eagle, which is smaller, paler, and more contrasting. Juveniles are more boldly patterned with numerous prominent dirty white spots on the back and upper wings. More tied to forests than Lesser Spotted Eagle, but still near rivers and bogs. Frequents humanmade habitats more often in winter, such as lakes, rubbish dumps, and reservoirs.

 Not alone, for scavengers around

* Be stingy with wars - what's against the Tao always comes to end *
- have differences not disputes - 

08 January 2025

Brahminy Kite

 Accipitriformes - Accipitridae - Haliastur indus (Helang Merah)

A medium-sized raptor with a rounded tail unlike other kites. Adults are unmistakable with a white head and breast contrasting with otherwise brick brown plumage. Juveniles are a darker brownish-black with a paler head and prominent white patches under the wings. Usually associated with both inland and coastal wetlands in tropical Asia, but it is largely restricted to coastal wetlands in Australia where it is alternately known as “Red-backed Sea Eagle.” Call is a distinctive nasal, drawn out, “Kyeeerrh.”

Just flying, no display

The younger one

* Not-doing - avoid extreme, excess
- do not exhibit, do not impress